SOCORE FACTORY そこはお茶の間-Live streaming

SOCORE FACTORY 1st Anniversary URAMADO “幸”-NETWORKS×LLama W relrasePARTYosaka-

LLama(from KYOTO)
naam’s group

……and more!

Open:17:30 / Start:18:00 / Adv:¥2,000 (D別) / Door:¥2,500 (D別)


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    ■□■ NETWORKS ■□■

    Tokyo, Japan
    2015年4月、ニューアルバム「Dynamic Nature」を5年ぶりにリリース。
    We are three close men loving music and all world.And we play the keyboards,the guitar and the drums.

    ■□■ LLama ■□■

    2004年、吉岡哲志を中心に京都で結成。メンバーチェンジを経て、現在は藤井都督、越智弘典、妹尾立樹、石渡新平、竹内良太、日下部裕一の7人編成で活動中。 2008年のデビュー・アルバム「ヤヲヨロズ」をリリース直後に、日本でも絶大な人気を誇るイギリスのバンド、Kyteの初来日ツアーのオープニング・アクトに抜擢。同年、山本精一率いるPARAとの2マン・ライブも成功させるなど話題を集める。その後も、渚音楽祭やりんご音楽祭など野外フェスに出演し、 ギター・ヴォーカル、ツイン・ドラム、ウッド・ベース、ツイン・トランペットが繰り広げるオリジナリティ溢れるライブが各地で好評を博し、2012年には 2ndアルバム「インディペンデンス」をリリース。構想と制作に3年を費やした同作は、スーパーカーを始め、坂本美雨、砂原良徳、キセル、クラムボンなどを手掛ける益子樹(ROVO)がマスタリングを担当し、各方面から高い評価を獲得。そして、バンド結成10周年を迎える2014年、ラリーに移籍しイルリメ、ユミコ(ヤンカノイ)、Open Reel Ensembleなど豪華ゲストを迎えた10周年記念アルバムをリリース。

    LLama was formed in Kyoto in 2004 with Satoshi Yoshioka (guitar and vocals) as its main architect. The group went through a number of reshuffles in the past and the current line-up comprises seven members, including Totoku Fujii (contrabass), Hironori Ochi (sound engineer), Ricky Senno (drums), Shinpei Ishiwata (drums), Ryota Takeuchi (trumpet), and Hirokazu Kusakabe (guiter and cornet).
    Immediately after the release of the first album YAOYOROZU in 2008, LLama toured with a popular British rock group called Kyte, who still enjoys enormous popularity with Japanese audiences. On their first concert tour in Japan, Kyte chose LLama for the opening act of the shows.
    In the same year LLama gave concerts with PARA featuring its leader Seiichi Yamamoto. The joint concerts turned out to be a huge success and the band attracted increasing public attention. Subsequently, the Kyoto-based group has appeared in such well-known music festivals as Nagisa Music Festival, Ringo Music Festival, etc. LLama’s live performance was very well received on those occasions because of its unique style and striking originality.
    The band’s second album INDEPENDENCE was released on the fourth of July, 2012. The album was completed after taking three years of careful planning and production, involving an expert, Tatsuki Masuko (ROVO) in making a master copy of the recording. Like YAOYOROZU, LLama’s second album was also enthusiastically received and it has added to the band’s well-deserved reputation.
    This year marks LLama’s 10th anniversary and to celebrate its 10-year career in the music business, the band came up with their third album VISTA to be released by Rallye Label on December 3, 2014 (Incidentally, LLama moved to Rallye Label from this year). The production of the latest album was joined by splendid guest musicians like Irurime, Yumiko (Yankanoi) , and Open Reel Ensemble.

    photo by Hideaki Hamada