SOCORE FACTORY そこはお茶の間-Live streaming

Kinski vs Acid Mothres Temple Japan Tour 2019

■Japan Artist
Acid Mothers Temple


Open:18:30 / Start:19:00 / Adv:¥2,500 (D別) / Door:¥3,000 (D別)


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    シアトルの重鎮バンド「Kinski」が、結成21年目を迎え、ニューアルバム「Accustomed to Your Face」のリリースと初期代表作「Be Gentle With the Warm Turtle」L.Pリイシューを記念し、10年ぶりに来日!!

    結成当初以来の盟友「Acid Mothers Temple」とともに、全7公演を行う。

    2018年、ヴォーカリストにジョンソンTsuを迎え、全21カ国100公演以上を行なった「AMT宗家」ことAcid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.E.O.、今回のツアーに限り「Reverse of Rabirth set」「Hyper Reckless Drive set」「Chaotic Cosmic Chan-son set」というコンセプトの異なる3タイプのセットを日替わりで演奏する予定。

    To celebrate Seattle legends Kinski’s 21st yer as a band,the release of their new album”Accustomed To Your Face”,and the L.P reissue of the early classic “Be Gentle with the Warm Turtle”,the band will be touring Japan for the first time in 10 years!

    “Acid Mothers Temple” have been friends with the band since their formation and we will be joining them for all seven dates!

    In 2018,Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.E.O.welcomed Jyonson Tsu as vocalist and played over 100 dates in 21 defferent countries. For the tour with Kinski,we have put together three different sets: Reverse of Rebirth,Hyper Reckless Drive,and Chaotic Cosmic Chanson. We plan to play the sets in rotation,one set per night.

    Kinski (キンスキー)

    Acid Mothers Temple (アシッドマザーズテンプル)